Lighting Co
Lighthouse Productions
Fox Cities Performing Arts Center
Appleton, WI
Lighting Techs: Drew Arnold, Ivy Covaciu
Video Co: Lighthouse Productions
Video Directors: Stasia Lenhart/Jake Pagel
Set Design: Jason Strazishar
Promoter/Producer: NorthCoast Productions
Production Manager/LD: Jason Strazishar
1 grandMA2 Light console
8 Martin MAC Viper Profiles
10 Martin MAC 700 Profiles
24 Martin MAC Auras
14 Vari-Lite VL3500 Profiles
14 Chauvet Legend 230SR Beams
12 Blizzard PixelStorm COB Fixtures
6 Elation Opti QA Pars
3 CM 1-ton hoists
2 Tomcat SuperTruss (30” x 20” x 20’)
75 Elation EPT6IP 6mm video panels
1 NovaStar NovaPro HD LED display controller
Event Details
At the end of May, Bergstrom Automotive gathered together a group of people in Wisconsin to kick off their huge June3000 sale with a colorful presentation.
The event took place May 23, before the car dealership’s big sales event in June.