Lighting Co
Theatrical Media Services
Various (Tour)
Production Designer: Fenton Williams
LDs: Fenton Williams, Aaron Stinebrink
Programmers: Aaron Stinebrink, Ben Lopreto
Lighting Crew: Michael Arch (Crew Chief), Jerry Kaiser Bob Chaize Ben Lopreto Josh Albright
Video Director: Mike Lane
Video Co: Filament Productions
Video Crew: Mike Lane (Crew Chief), Stephen Thomas (Video Engineer), Brett Gardner (Projectionist/Media Server Tech), Arnold Simmons (LED Tech/Camera Op), Chris Byrum (Handheld Camera Op), Matt Hayes (Quince Imaging Rehearsal Crew), David Sawchak (Motion Graphics), David Ariew (3D Rendering)
Video Content: Quince Imaging, To the End of the World, Lightborne, Pat Bradley, Spring Shoe
Set Co: All Access Staging
Set Carpenter: Kyle Duarte
Rigging Co: Reed Rigging
Riggers: Steve “CB” Olean, Bob Chaize
Tour Director: Geoff Trump
PM/Stage Manager: Anthony Giordano
Advance PM: Hank McHugh
Stage Manager: Henry Luniewski
Production Coordinator: Carrie Charbonneau
Backstage Coordinator: Kara Ebert
Director: Aaron Farrington
Co-Director: Abel Okugawa
2 grandMA2 Full consoles
1 grandMA2 Light consoles
8 Robe BMFL Spots
14 Robe BMFL WashBeams
48 Robe Spikies
40 Robe MegaPointes
8 Martin MAC Viper Wash DX
4 Martin MAC Quantum Wash
8 High End Systems ShapeShifter C1
24 SMG Q7’s
26 GLP JDC1’s
30 Elation ChorusLine 16’s
4 DataLynx units
1 Follow-Me remote follow spot system (unlimited)
31 Tyler GT black truss sections
2 MDG ATMe foggers
2 MDG ATM’s w/DMX Control
39 CM Lodestar 1-ton chain motors
9 CM Lodestar ½-ton chain motor
3 ProStar+ ¼-ton motors
2 Green Hippo Karst+ media servers (V4)
The band is performing in support of their ninth studio album, Come Tomorrow. The tour runs from mid-May through September. Photo by Todd Kaplan.