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As we take the helm of PLSN, we can only aspire to fill the role as well as Richard ‘Nook’ Schoenfeld. While writing for PLSN over the years, we both without realizing it were learning the art of editing from Nook with every redlined paragraph or excess word. For this we thank him. We will strive together to continue the high-quality coverage that all in the live entertainment industry look for when reading PLSN.
Contact us with your news. Share feedback about stories you’ve read or topics you’d like to see covered. As readers already know, PLSN is more than its pages of products and productions—it’s also about people: the milestones, the major events, the memories, the moving on. Contact us at [email protected] and let’s keep the conversation rolling.

—Michael S. Eddy & Debi Moen, Co-Editors of PLSN