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Dave Boots and The Oak Ridge Boys

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Dave Boots, LD for The Oak Ridge Boys

THE DESIGN: “Being a group from the early ‘80s and coming from the big PAR can era, I take a pretty basic approach to the lighting. I have to rely heavily on local vendors and/or venue-supplied lighting, and it’s not always good. I have a knack for taking the most basic of light rigs and making a professional looking show. The ‘Boys’ give me total free rein to do what looks best; the only thing they’ve really asked for is not to go completely black for an extended amount of time and to go easy on the haze. 2019 will have a very different look than what I’ve been doing the last couple of years. It will have quite a bit more eye candy than before.”


HOME BASE: Nashville



Oak Ridge Boys photo by Dave Boots

ON WORKING FOR ORB: “The guys are fantastic, with an incredible work ethic. You can’t help but be inspired and give it everything you’ve got. We just finished an extensive Christmas tour: 34 shows in 33 cities in 36 days! These guys are in their 70’s, with one member turning 80 in January, and they still do 150-plus shows a year.”

CAREER SPARK: “Like a lot of guys in my age group, going to see KISS in the late 70’s is what did it for me.”

FIRST INDUSTRY GIG: “Being ‘The Roadie’ for my buddy’s band in the early 80’s.”

Oak Ridge Boys photo by Dave Boots

FIRST TOUR: “Believe it or not, the Oak Ridge Boys has been my one and only tour on a professional level.”

HEROES/MENTORS: “I guess my heroes would be my family for putting up with me being gone all of these years.”

Whose show designs do you pay attention to — if you have time? “I’ve always liked Bryan Hartley’s stuff. I try to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra whenever I can.”

 What do you like about this industry? “The camaraderie of all the fine professionals in the business.”