Lighting Co
Clearwing Productions
Magness Arena, Denver, CO
Promoter/Producer: Red Rocks Church
Production Manager: Paul Kocel
Lighting Designers: Mark Wray, John Clark
Lighting Techs: Todd Stokes, Matt Beadenkopf, Bryan Holroyd, Alec Szuch
1 grandMA2 Full console
1 Jands Vista console
43 Claypaky A.leda B-Eye K20’s
34 Martin MAC Axiom Hybrids
42 Robe BMFL Spots
15 Elation Cuepix Blinder WW2’s
9 Philips Showline SL Nitro 510C LED strobes
Event Details:
Red Weekend is a three-day experience held by Red Rocks Church that focuses on teaching, worship, stories and life change. The three-day worship event ran from Sept. 21-23, 2018. The church’s lead pastor is Shawn Johnson.
More Red Weekend photos by Charlotte Soriano/Red Rocks Church