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Zach Bryan

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Photo courtesy 1826 Studio

Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter Zach Bryan kicked off the arena leg of his The Quittin’ Time Tour 24, in Chicago at the United Center on March 5, 2024. Later in the year, Bryan pivoted to playing stadiums across the U.S. to energized audiences and an ever-growing fanbase. Production/Lighting Designer Rob Sinclair of 1826 Studio handled the design duties for both the arena and stadium legs. With high overhead video screens, artfully swaged festoon lights and lighting pods that reshaped the space, Sinclair’s design supported the singer’s home-style and haunting intimate sound. The lighting was supplied by Upstaging, the video was provided by Fuse and the automation and staging was from TAIT. PLSN covered this tour in our April 2024 issue.