Jumping From Programmer to LD
As an automated lighting programmer, you are often exposed to many different productions, designers and other contacts. Every gig should be approached as a learning… Read More »Jumping From Programmer to LD
Read More »As an automated lighting programmer, you are often exposed to many different productions, designers and other contacts. Every gig should be approached as a learning… Read More »Jumping From Programmer to LD
Read More »Video scalers can be both a blessing and a curse. While a scaler will allow us to adjust the input resolution or even the format… Read More »What To Look For In A Video Scaler
Read More »Years ago, I was on tour with an extremely successful rock band from the ‘70s and early ‘80s. After they had been off the road for some time, they resumed touring, claiming that it would be their “farewell tour.” (They had previously made the claim at least three times.) After four or five shows into their stadium tour, they and their management decided, at the last minute, to do a production videotape of their show, without filling the crew in on all of the details.
Read More »I’ve worked with a lot of different production managers. Each one has their own style, their own way of getting things done. Many PMs are hands-on guys who are on stage for a good portion of the day. It is their show and they feel responsible for everything that goes on. During the course of the day they will put out fires that range from lack of rigging points to dry cleaning last night’s clothes on a Sunday when you’re playing Peoria. Some are really good at what they do and some pretty much suck. But they all have one thing in common: They run the show. And as a lighting designer they can be your best asset…or your worst nightmare.
Read More »Lighting designers, like most freelancers, tend to be peripatetic. An extended gig is usually more like two months than two years, and outside of Hollywood and New York (as long as you have a union card) life leans towards the itinerant rather than the permanent. And even on the coasts you’re only as good as your last credit.
Read More »Always looking for the next big thing, most of us keep one eye and one ear turned to our inbox, our mailbox and our trusted co-workers, eager to learn about the latest and greatest LED this or digital that. But no matter what the buzz-product of the day is, we still end up using the same gear for most of our work.
Read More »For the last two years I’ve used many of the leading brands of haze and smoke products. When it came time to purchase something for my own business, I wanted to know if there might be a better product on the market to suit my needs. Initially, Nathan Kahn of Look Solutions USA Ltd (formerly of Theatre Effects) contacted me on the Light Network (www.lightnetwork. com). He had seen my posts about the concerns I’ve had with these units and offered to send a demo unit of the Unique for my review. He assured me I’d be quite happy with its quality. I can be as cynical as they come, so this was something I had to see for myself.
Read More »Strong Entertainment Lighting recently started shipping their latest in a long line of followspots. The Radiance is a lightweight fixture designed to be used for small installations and shows that do not require extremely bright followspots with long throw distances. But don’t let that fool you; this spot cuts quite nicely from a 150- foot throw.
Read More »So you set up your rig and the projector tells you that no signal is detected. Better to fail now than in the middle of the event. You check your source selections; they’re good. You check your outputs; they’re good. You cable test the lines; they’re good. You realize you are trying to send HD-SDI down a 350-foot run of regular RG-59. That could be the problem. The variety of video signals we work with today provide us with unlimited opportunities for Mr. Murphy to rear his ugly head and remind us how much he really doesn’t like us.
Read More »What do you do for the pre-game player introductions of a multimillion dollar sports team that changes the entire look of their show but that hasn’t already been tried? You add video. Well, that’s been done, you say. Okay, it has, but not quite like this.
Read More »In 1999, Valy Tremblay launched Proluxon (www.proluxon.com), a company dedicated to supporting visual designers and helping them make their concepts become reality. One of the early pioneers in pre-visualization in Québec, he recently partnered with industry veteran Andre Girard to bolster a company that strives to live on the cutting edge of technology. From playing with batteries and bulbs as a child, to harnessing the power pre-visualization in the present, he strives to stay ahead of the curve.
Read More »The amazing combination of Cirque du Soleil and The Beatles and how they came together for a permanent installation at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas is something of a magical mystery tour. As the Beatles are notoriously protective of their music, it took a personal friendship between the late George Harrison and Cirque founder Guy Laliberté to make it possible. Sir George Martin and his son Giles Martin got involved, and the two, working from Abbey Road’s master tapes, created unique collages and arrangements that have never before been heard. Add Celine Dion’s long-time lighting designer, Yves Aucoin, and more video than has ever been used in a Cirque show, and you’ve got one of Las Vegas’s most anticipated and talked about entertainment events.
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