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November 2017

Rosco Cubes are designed with pulse width modulation (PWM) characteristics that ensure flicker-free performance.

Pulse Width Modulation

As the world of lighting moves more and more into LED sources, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) has become the most common means for controlling LEDs. What is PWM exactly and, more importantly, how does it relate to lighting applicationis it and how does it affect your lighting design?

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The musical chronicles a young Elvis Presley as a rising star. Photos by Gary Ng

Heartbreak Hotel

If you’re a passionate fan of rock legend Elvis Presley, you may already know much of the story that Tony-nominated writer/director Floyd Mutrux tells in his new musical, Heartbreak Hotel. The prequel to the popular Million Dollar Quartet (which was written by Mutrux and Colin Escott), this new play follows young Elvis from his humble beginnings as a truck driver to the peak of stardom — a tale that captures the imagination of anyone waiting for their own shot at greatness.

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