FOR-A America has announced the appointment of industry veteran Joe Paryzek to the newly created position Director, Solutions Development. In this role, Paryzek will be responsible for key account management and customer communication to drive development of FOR-A’s cutting-edge technology, with a focus on the company’s IP based-software defined solutions.
Thanks to Paryzek’s deep engineering and customer service background most recently as co-owner and Video Systems Design for the live video systems design firm Strata AVL, as a Project Engineer at the systems integration firm Diversified, and in Pre-Sale Technical Support at Grass Valley, he has the technical product and systems design expertise to ensure success in his new role.
“Joe will be a wonderful resource for our customers,” said Satoshi Kanemura, President and COO, FOR- A America. “We have several new IP-based and high-bandwidth SDI technologies we’ll be heavily focused on this year. Joe has a thorough understanding of live production technology, full system integration, and the business of media and entertainment technology. He can speak with our customers from a deep understanding of their challenges and how we can implement our technology as solutions that address those pain points. And since we’ve worked together frequently on very complex house of worship installs for houses of worship while he was with Strata AVL, we’ve already got a solid history of collaboration in place.”
Last year FOR-A introduced SMPTE ST 2110 resource sharing software, Hi-RDS; FOR-A MixBoard – a software-based switcher; and significant updates to the software-based live production platform, SOAR-A (Software Optimized Appliance Revolutionized by FOR-A). FOR-A’s live production ecosystem works with all flavors of IP, featuring full support for ST 2110 standards. Showcased throughout the year were also “bridge” technologies, such as the FA-1616 multi-channel processor and the SOAR-A Edge IP transport appliance, which enable a flexible SDI-to-IP live production workflow.
“In the past two years FOR-A has engineered some incredible solutions that I can’t wait to discuss with broadcasters, live event producers, and systems integrators,” said Paryzek. “I’m eager to get their feedback on how this technology will improve operations for them and what new upgrades they’d like to see down the road. Overall, I’m looking forward to joining the FOR-A America team and using my experience in customer relations, system design creation and product development to make FOR-A’s recent innovations top of mind with end users.”
Paryzek started at FOR-A America on January 6th and reports directly to Kanemura. He is based in Atlanta and can be reached at [email protected] or phone: (404) 710-0171.
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