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Buyer’s Guide

PLSN Dec. 2017 Buyers Guide -Strobes


The days of xenon bulbs in strobes is just about over. Diversitronics, the one-time leader in the market, has stopped making fixtures, but they still sell bulbs. Solaris Strobe still offers one, and you may still be able to find a Lightning Strike in a Hollywood shop. The GAM Star Strobe (marketed by Rosco) is now a double-ended xenon flicker, but everyone else is now LED. The Martin Atomic got itself an Aura. The Ayrton MagicBurst is a strobe machine unlike any other. GLP may just be the leader these days with lots of functions — and a strobe with a tilt function. And all these babies are bright. Happy shopping, and be glad you’re just looking a photos and not actual units fired up at 100 percent.

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PLSN September 2017 Buyers Guide - Data Distribution and Opto-Splitters

Data Distribution and Opto-Splitters

One of the most important pieces of gear in the dimmer area has always been a dependable opto splitter, which gets DMX info to every fixture spread over your stage, trade floor or installation. Nowadays there are several types to choose from. They range from simple one-universe in and four 5-pin outs to Swiss Army knife-type models that accept RDM, DMX and Art-Net and can split, merge or spit out streams of info. There are even models that can tell you if your cable has a short, is terminated or is simply unplugged.

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PLSN August 2017 Buyers Guide

LED Battens

LED Battens hit the scene more than 10 years ago. Some LDs were searching for the ultimate color mixing cyc light, while others wanted a new LED footlight to use for their cameras. Eventually, designers pointed them towards the audience, and the term eye candy took on  a whole new meaning. Original models such as the Chroma-Q Color Force have been updated with serious improvements, and other manufacturers have added their own innovations to this dynamic product category. Take a look at all of the latest models and see what each has to offer.

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PLSN July 2017 Buyers Guide - Handheld Gadgets

Handheld Gadgets

As I walk along convention floors, I often notice cool little gadgets, from tools to lights to smoke devices and more. Each of these fits a nice little niche in our world of live events. Whether it’s a physical gadget, pressurized effect or an electronic device, we’ve compiled a few nifty devices we felt were worth a look this month.

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PLSN June 2017 Buyers Guide

Video Cabinets

It’s been two years since PLSN presented a Buyers Guide on video cabinets. Since then, just about every company has updated their product line with new and unique products. Whether they are higher resolution, curved models or waterproof tiles, they are all being engineered for faster assembly, lighter weight and higher quality. Take a look at the latest products from these leaders in the business.

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Audience Lights

Audience Lights

While stage lighting advances occur yearly, the art of lighting the audience is often overlooked. In today’s new arena and theater installations, the buildings are making it easier for touring LDs to control the house lights. The first series of audience blinders to become popular were the Mole Feys. Mole Richardson manufactured these various sized fixtures around the amount of DWE par 36 wide bulbs that the user wanted. They were soon used on tours so touring acts could see their audience on cue. AC/DC incorporated over 100 of these on their last tour. Almost any bright light illuminating the audience from stage is now just called a “blinder.” Here’s a look at a bunch of fixtures lighting audiences these days.

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PLSN Buyers Guide, March 2017 - Moving Lights with Framing Shutters

Moving Lights with Framing Shutters

Framing shutters have been a part of ellipsoidal fixtures for as long as anyone can remember. They consist of four separate blades that can cut into the focal path and shape the beam of light. The shutters (blades) are spaced 90 degrees apart around the fixture and can be moved inwards and angled, allowing the light source to concentrate its beam on a particular area. With the advent of the Vari-Lite VL1000, we saw a moving light with electronic shutters for the first time. Now, framing shutters on moving hard edge and wash fixtures have become immensely popular. PLSN displays what’s on the market today.

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PLSN Feb 2017 Buyers Guide - Moving Beam Lights

Moving Beam Lights

Looking back, 2008 was a magical year for concert lighting. That was the year that Claypaky unveiled their highly successful Alpha Beam fixtures on a moving yoke, dedicated to the art of the tight collimated shafts of light. A year later, Elation kept the evolution of moving light fixtures moving with units that had a smaller footprint and tiny moving beam. As LED technology continues to sweep across the world of entertainment lighting, we’ve seen more single LED Beam models pop up in the last year. This month we present the latest and best beams on a moving yoke.

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PLSN Jan 2017 Buyers Guide - Block Matrix Lights

Block Matrix Lights

In 2013, The MagicPanel-R from Ayrton hit the scene, and everyone took notice of the shape of the fixture. Someone had invented a new way for lighting designers to control pixels in an incredibly bright manner that could be used in all kinds of cool applications. This opened the floodgate for a plethora of LED products that adapted to this block shape. Whether they are moving heads, static LED panels or fixtures one can assemble into a grid of their own design, there is a lot of demand for these fixtures in today’s market. Take a look at what’s out there.

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