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In Memoriam: Norah Eileen Beijer-De Bekker, 49

PLSN is sad to report that Norah Eileen Beijer-de Bekker passed away on April 26, 2024, at the age of 49. Norah was a beloved member of the live entertainment industry. With a diverse background in sales, marketing, and business management, Norah had a creative and resourceful mind that ensured dynamic but practical design solutions throughout the life of a project.

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In Memoriam: Andrew Nikel, Lighting Professional

Andrew Nikel

Andrew Nikel, a lighting professional, passed away on the evening of April 4, 2024. He had been battling Parkinson’s Disease for many years. Nikel retired from City Theatrical in April 2020 after working there for 15 years. He was a lighting professional with 40 years of experience, both working in theater as a master electrician and in the industry in rental and sales positions with companies like Production Arts, PRG, and City Theatrical. Nikel was highly respected and loved by many in the industry.Read More »In Memoriam: Andrew Nikel, Lighting Professional

In Memoriam: Joel E. Rubin, PhD, 95

Dr. Joel E. Rubin

Dr. Joel E. Rubin died peacefully on the evening of March 27, 2024. Born in September 1928, he was 95. Dr. Rubin was the Co-Founder and a Past President of the United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT). He was one of the founding members of the International Organization of Scenographers, Theatre Architects, and Theatre Technicians (OISTAT). He also had a long career in the industry working as the Executive Vice-President of Kliegl Bros. Stage Lighting, Co. Inc., as well as many years as Principal Consultant and Managing Director of Artec Consultants.

Here is a biography for Dr. Rubin put together by Patricia MacKay, a longtime friend, colleague, and USITT Fellow.Read More »In Memoriam: Joel E. Rubin, PhD, 95

In Memoriam: William “Bill” Moodie, Lighting Representative and Salesperson, 94


Bill Moodie, along with his partner Tom Pincu, were longtime sales representatives for ETC as Moodie/Pincu Associates

Born September 21, 1929, William “Bill” Moodie died on December 29, 2023, at the age of 94. Moodie, while known for his loud shirts, was a great salesman who built longtime relationships with his clients and customers. He loved to share his knowledge and mentor the next generations of lighting professionals through his work with USITT and Educational Theater Association. There will be a Celebration of Life for Bill Moodie that will take place on Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 3:00pm at Ancillary Studios @ South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Hawaiian, kilts, or Scottish attire is encouraged! Here is a bio and remembrance from his family.Read More »In Memoriam: William “Bill” Moodie, Lighting Representative and Salesperson, 94

In Memoriam: Manufacturer’s Representative Donn Nelson, 70

It is with great sadness that the ADJ Group marks the passing and celebrates the life of valued colleague and dear friend, Donn Nelson. He died on February 10, 2024 at the age of 70. A well-known and much-respected industry veteran, Donn led Pro Media Marketing, ADJ’s manufacturer’s representative firm covering Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and West Pennsylvania. Read More »In Memoriam: Manufacturer’s Representative Donn Nelson, 70

Education Fund Created to Honor James L. Moody

Jim Moody

Family and friends gathered to remember James L. Moody (1942-2023) on Saturday, March 2 at Kinetic Lighting in Los Angeles. At the Celebration of Moody’s amazing and productive life, his former business and writing partner, and friend of many decades, Jeff Ravitz, announced a fund in Moody’s honor at LA City College, where Moody taught and was head of the tech theatre program.Read More »Education Fund Created to Honor James L. Moody

The ALPD On The Passing of Founder, Richard Pilbrow

Richard Pilbrow in front of the National Theatre in London. Photo by Robert Bell

It is with great sadness that The Association for Lighting Production and Design (The ALPD) heard the news that its Co-Founder and President, passed away. Richard Pilbrow, esteemed Member No. 1, had been the association’s President for many years. A distinguished lighting designer, producer, and writer, he was a hugely respected consultant for the construction of new performing arts. He was the first Lighting Director of the National Theatre and Founder of Theatre Projects.Read More »The ALPD On The Passing of Founder, Richard Pilbrow

In Memoriam: Industry Trailblazer Richard Pilbrow, 90

Richard Pilbrow (1933-2023), passed away the evening of December 6, 2023. Pilbrow was a vital force in the theatre—a celebrated Broadway and West End lighting designer, a pathfinder in the theatrical consulting profession, and an innovator in countless other corners of the industry. He lived a life committed to expansive thinking and supporting others, co-founding multiple professional membership organizations and serving as mentor to consultants and designers across the globe. And his books on lighting and on his career in consultancy have become standard reads for fledgling creatives and industry professionals alike.

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